
🔴 16” x 20” — original stitched painting

Earth pigments on raw stitched canvas, framed in solid walnut.

Stitched paintings are created in Angela’s Bedford, NY studio by sewing separate pieces of individually painted canvas together to form the final composition. Angela paints each disparate piece of canvas into her desired color palette and then assembles them together using a sewing machine. Stitched paintings are part painting, part textile art, part tapestry—using the fabric and the stitch lines to add distinctive markings and texture to each piece of art. This results in a a striking and tactile art piece that brings depth and character to your space. 

Each work is signed & titled on the back of the piece with a stamp certifying authenticity.

The solid walnut wood floating frame adds about 1/2” on each side to all dimensions. 

Prices listed exclude sales tax and shipping, which is dependent on your location. 

Local pickup at Angela’s Bedford, NY studio is available free of charge. 

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🔴 16” x 20” — original stitched painting

Earth pigments on raw stitched canvas, framed in solid walnut.

Stitched paintings are created in Angela’s Bedford, NY studio by sewing separate pieces of individually painted canvas together to form the final composition. Angela paints each disparate piece of canvas into her desired color palette and then assembles them together using a sewing machine. Stitched paintings are part painting, part textile art, part tapestry—using the fabric and the stitch lines to add distinctive markings and texture to each piece of art. This results in a a striking and tactile art piece that brings depth and character to your space. 

Each work is signed & titled on the back of the piece with a stamp certifying authenticity.

The solid walnut wood floating frame adds about 1/2” on each side to all dimensions. 

Prices listed exclude sales tax and shipping, which is dependent on your location. 

Local pickup at Angela’s Bedford, NY studio is available free of charge. 

🔴 16” x 20” — original stitched painting

Earth pigments on raw stitched canvas, framed in solid walnut.

Stitched paintings are created in Angela’s Bedford, NY studio by sewing separate pieces of individually painted canvas together to form the final composition. Angela paints each disparate piece of canvas into her desired color palette and then assembles them together using a sewing machine. Stitched paintings are part painting, part textile art, part tapestry—using the fabric and the stitch lines to add distinctive markings and texture to each piece of art. This results in a a striking and tactile art piece that brings depth and character to your space. 

Each work is signed & titled on the back of the piece with a stamp certifying authenticity.

The solid walnut wood floating frame adds about 1/2” on each side to all dimensions. 

Prices listed exclude sales tax and shipping, which is dependent on your location. 

Local pickup at Angela’s Bedford, NY studio is available free of charge.